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My PCOS Story-How I Reversed It
Ah looking back…..The countless bottles of Nair, the hot wax, tweezers, and the daily mirror checking for the hair on my chinny chin chin. At 15 years old my little cousin asked me why do you have a mustache? I was so embarrassed. I joked around with friends and family calling myself ”Hairy Mary” but inside I felt embarrassed and it affected my self-esteem. By 19 years old I was a master waxer. Why was I so good at it? The hormonal condition PCOS. I started experiencing symptoms at 15 but wasn’t diagnosed till 19.
My struggle with PCOS
I struggled with symptoms like weight gain, acne, dark skin patches on my knees and knuckles, thinning hair, and facial hair. In the 90’s it wasn’t really ”cool” to wax your face. But I was doing it, it’s not like today where lots of women are happily micro planing their face. I wish they had micro planing back then, it would have saved me a lot of pain and money.
Remember in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, when Toula talks about how growing up she knew she was different from other girls? She said, “The other girls were blonde and delicate. And I was a swarthy six-year-old with sideburns”. Oh man! I could relate to that! When she said that I thought she must be my soul sister.
My Diagnosis
I struggled with these symptoms throughout my teens and 20’s. And when the hubby and I decided it was time to put a bun in the oven. I never imagined I would have trouble getting pregnant. I always had regular periods and never experienced ovarian cysts.
After a year of trying, I saw my OB/GYN and he said you probably have insulin resistance. I quickly replied I’m not diabetic! I was seriously offended. My eyes filled with tears. But he calmly explained I had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). My doctor explained the correlation between PCOS and insulin resistance.
My doctor prescribed me a medication called Metformin and explained how it improves insulin sensitivity and can help with balancing hormones and would help me ovulate better.
Also he told me that losing just 10% of my body weight could also increase my chances of conceiving. I did lose around 15 pounds and two months later I was was pregnant!
What is PCOS?
PCOS is a health condition and affects women’s hormone levels. PCOS causes high levels of male hormones called androgens like DHEA and Testosterone.
It estimated that 6 to 12% of the female population has Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. (1) It affects women of childbearing age and is the most common form of female infertility. PCOS doesn’t just cause hormone imbalance it frequently has a close relationship with insulin resistance. This is a metabolic syndrome or sometimes referred to as Syndrome X.
PCOS Symptoms
- Weight Gain
- Hirsutism/facial hair, male pattern hair growth
- Acne
- Skin Tags
- Acanthosis Nigricians (dark velvety skin patches), most commonly found in skin folds and creases.
- Impaired ovulation and implantation of an embryo
- Increased androgens
- Thinning hair (male pattern baldness)
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Ovarian Cysts
Causes of PCOS
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. Most doctors agree high androgen levels and insulin resistance are the driving factors as well as genetics may play a role. It used to be that researchers believed that PCOS came first. And it caused insulin resistance but now it’s the other way around. We now know that insulin resistance is one of the main causes of PCOS. The estimates are 70% of PCOS women have insulin resistance. (2)
High Androgens Levels
Women naturally have male hormones as well as female hormones, its when things go out of balance that problems arise. High androgen levels cause the ovaries not to release an egg during ovulation and abnormal hair growth on the body, acne as well as thinning hair/male pattern hair loss.
Do all PCOS Patients have Insulin Resistance?
No, not all PCOS patients have insulin resistance but most do according to studies. In one study of PCOS patients, 95% of overweight PCOS patients had insulin resistance and 75% of lean PCOS patients also had insulin resistance. (3)
How is PCOS Diagnosed?
PCOS is diagnosed with a combination of blood tests measuring your hormone levels. In addition to a physical examination, pelvic exam, and an ultrasound to look at your ovaries, a medical history will also be taken. During your doctor visit, it’s important to share with your doctor all of your symptoms you are concerned about even the embarrassing ones.
PCOS Medications
Treatments can vary with PCOS. It all depends on the issue you are trying to address. Doctors can prescribe diet, hormones, or herbs. Listed below are some of them.
Metformin– A oral medication used in type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes. It improves insulin resistance and improves blood sugar. My doctor prescribed for me for my infertility and I conceived just 2 months later! Yay!
Clomid– Is an anti-estrogen oral medication. It works by blocking estrogen receptors in the hormone control center called the hypothalamus. This triggers the hypothalamus to release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) which are ovarian stimulants and promote ovulation. There is a higher rate of twin births with Clomid. (4)
Letrozole– Is an ovarian stimulant.
Gonadotropins– Are a fertility medication given by injection. It contains Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) alone or given with Luteinizing hormone (LH).
Vaniqa– is a cream rubbed on skin to slow unwanted hair growth.
Spironolactone– is an antiandrogenic oral medication given to help reduce unwanted hair growth. Studies have shown it not only helps slow the growth of unwanted hair it also slowed the progression and darkening of hair and its coarseness and the diameter of the hair shaft decreased(5) Spironolactone also helps with acne by blocking androgens which are a known contributor to increased oil production in sebaceous glands. Is Spironolactone effective? Yes! I used it personally and while I didn’t get 100% clearance of acne I did see a major improvement. This study showed an improvement of acne in 73-77% of patients (6)
Birth Control– Can help regulate periods, reduce unwanted hair growth caused by excess androgens.
Supplements and Herbs for PCOS
Spearmint tea

Studies showed spearmint tea reduces androgens. In this particular study here 40 subjects drank spearmint tea twice a day for 30 days. Blood was measured for androgens at 0, 15, and 30 days. Androgens were significantly reduced. Though the study didn’t show improvements in hirsutism subjects it’s important to remember it was only 30 days. The study says the time for hirsutism to resolve itself takes much longer and says spearmint tea has the potential for natural treatment of PCOS and Hirsutism.
Chaste Berry (Vitex)
Vitex is one of my favorite herbs. It’s helpful not only for PMS symptoms, but it can help with PCOS too. I don’t know about you but mood swings with PMS and also PCOS are sometimes just horrid and can make a girl feel cray-cray, I’ll take all the help I can get. Vitex has an affinity to the mu-opiate receptor which is the body’s way of relieving pain and making you feel good (8)
Vitex just seems to know what to do in your body, whether you have heavy/frequent periods (Menorrhagia), painful periods (dysmenorrhea), or absence of periods (amenorrhea) it just has a way of normalizing hormones. In a study of 67 patients. A homeopathic preparation, Agnus castus (Vitex) was given 3 times a day for 3 months. Results were spontaneous menstruation. Increased progesterone, ovulation, and 38 out of 67 became pregnant (9).
Myo-inositol is referred to as vitamin B8. But actually, it isn’t a vitamin at all, it’s a sugar. Studies showed Myo-inositol worked as well as Metformin(10). Another study subjects were given Myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol and it improved insulin resistance. And ovulation and hormone levels (11). This pseudo vitamin can also help promote those feel-good hormones dopamine (12) and serotonin (13). Anxiety and depression also improved.
Maitake Mushroom
Anyone who knows me knows this is one of my favorite mushrooms. Maitake has so many wonderful health benefits. Including immune-modulating benefits. Whenever I start to feel like I’m coming down with a cold, I take Maitake D-Fraction Liquid. And I feel better and my cold never seems to really progress.
Maitake is also a great anti-cancer supplement. The polysaccharide D-Fraction from Maitake enhances T-cells, natural killer cells, and macrophages.
Maitake has been studied for helping PCOS patients ovulate. Also, it helps aid in insulin resistance and losing weight. In this study here 77% of PCOS patients ovulated who had previous problems ovulating on their own.
Moringa is easily becoming one of my favorite supplements. Moringa is known to help low blood sugar. Many PCOS patients suffer from insulin resistance and moringa can help keep those blood sugars in check. You can read more of my post about the benefits of moringa here.

Following a low-carb diet is what helped me lose weight fast. Learning how to count carbs and try to eat protein often. This not only helped me lose weight, but I also noticed I wasn’t having those 3 o’clock crashes every day where I needed a candy bar or a nap. My acne also improved.
Final thoughts
There are so many women out there going through the same thing. Reach out. Connect with others experiencing the same issues.
Because depression and anxiety rates are higher in PCOS women it’s really important to seek help if you are experiencing them. Talk to your doctor. Talk to a friend. Watch your stress level. Get plenty of sleep and exercise. And lastly make sure your at a healthy weight. I know thats not a fun thing to hear but it increases your chances of ovulation.
And lastly, don’t lose hope. Things can get better. They did for me. I no longer have PCOS. My hormones have normalized, and my unwanted hair growth has massively improved.
For me, a modified Paleo/low carb diet is what helped me the most. Because I lost a lot of weight and my insulin sensitivity improved. Living a healthy lifestyle is our best weapon against PCOS. I saw results in months. Losing weight and starting metformin is what helped me conceive in only 2 months! But it took almost 2 years to say I’m PCOS-free! So be patient and keep at it and you WILL see results!
Much Love,
This website is for educational purposes only. The information provided by Renaissance Path is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases. Please consult a qualified health care professional for medical advice.
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